List Anything
On Hotels Plugn

Registration is free and it takes only 10 minutes to complete – get started today

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Create a partner account to get started:

By continuing, you agree to let email you regarding your property registration.

We care about your comfort and safety.

Here’s how we’re helping you feel confident welcoming guests:

Which best describes you?

Select one of the options to see customized info

I have a property I rent out occasionally
I have multiple properties I rent out year-round

Benefits of partnering with us

List any type of property

Apartments to villas and everything in between can be listed for free.

Easily import details

To save you time, many of the details from your existing listings can be imported.

Step-by-step guidance

You’ll learn how our platform works, best practices, and things to watch out for.

Unique discounts

Discounts on products and services that save time and improve the guest experience.

Enjoy more flexibility at no extra cost

You’ll learn how our platform works, best practices, and things to watch out for.

Review Score

Your review score on third-party travel websites may be converted and then reflected on your listing page.

Get to know your guests

No matter where they’re from, our guests share a few similarities. in numbers


Listings in 10+ countries and territories across the globe


Homes, apartments, and other unique places to stay


Languages and dialects available on our site

Your questions answered

Property owners can request damage deposits from guests. Deposits help cover any potential damage caused by a guest, offering some reassurance that your property will be treated respectfully. If anything goes wrong, it can be reported to our team through our misconduct reporting feature.

Once you finish creating your listing, you can open your property for bookings on our site. We may ask you to verify your property before you can start accepting bookings, but you can use this time to get familiar with the Extranet and get prepared for your first guests.

Sign up and start welcoming guests today!

Registration is free and it takes only 10 minutes to complete – get started today

Create A New Listing

Create a partner account to get started:

By continuing, you agree to let email you regarding your property registration.